Qiu Sai Yin (Autumn Thoughts from Across the Border)
Li Xiangting playing a 1200 year old Tang dynasty qin
(click link to see photos and more information about this qin)
For photographs of this remarkable qin and a report (in English) on the yaji at which Wang Fei was one of a few qin players fortunate enough to be able to access and play it, please visit http://www.chineseculture.net/guqin/newsletters/0908tangqinyaji/index.htm.
For the story of this qin (in Chinese), written by Professor Li Xiangting, please visit http://www.chineseculture.net/guqin/newsletters/1200tangqin.htm.
For a news item in English and Chinese about this qin translated by Christopher Evans, please visit http://www.chineseculture.net/guqin/newsletters/0908tangqinyaji/tangqin.html
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